Walker Capital

How to start out in alternative investments?

Like many investors out there, you have decided to ‘start out in alternative investments’. You understand your risk tolerance and you have your objectives in place – if not, you obviously didn’t read the last section, please do! Now it’s time to work through how to get started. As we have mentioned more than a […]

What type of investor are you?

Now, having reviewed the multitude of investment opportunities, both in traditional and alternative investments, you should have a grasp of what each investment avenue can provide and where you potentially fit in. Odds are, as this is a beginner’s guide, then you will be starting your journey into investing. If, however, you are reading this […]

Other Investments

Art Investing in art has moved from the stuffy collections of the wealthy elite, into the mainstream as investors around the world seek to diversify their portfolios, hedge against risk and collect some beautiful talking pieces for their office or home walls along the way. In 2019 the Art Basel UBS Art Market Report contended […]

Private Equity Buyouts

Often seen as a contentious issue within the Australian domestic & political arena, a private equity buyout is “A situation in which the shares of a public company are bought in order to make it into a private company”. Throughout Australia’s robust investment history, there have been a wide array of positive and negative news stories […]


Although currencies can often be considered a ‘traditional investment’, Cryptocurrencies certainly don’t fall within this category. This is largely due to the fact they are volatile, they move against the market in many instances, and they are largely speculative. Although this was not their original intention, which was to become an online currency through the […]

Proprietary Trading

In today’s ever-present and ever-expanding financial markets, there are many forms of trading undertaken by individuals and institutions to gain an advantageous position or financial outcome. One of those forms of trading is known as proprietary trading, or “prop trading,” which occurs when a trading desk at a financial institution, brokerage firm, investment bank, hedge […]

Managed Discretionary Accounts

A managed discretionary account (MDA) is a facility – other than a registered managed investment scheme (registered scheme) or an interest in a registered scheme – in which an MDA client entrusts management of their portfolio of assets to an MDA provider. Pursuant to ASIC Instrument (Managed Discretionary Account Services) Instrument 2016/968 an: MDA provider […]

Exchange Traded Funds

An ETF or exchange traded fund is a type of investment fund that can be bought and sold on a securities exchange market. They are often known as ‘passive investments’ and generally track in line with the value of the market or index they are tracking. There are a range of reasons or rationales as […]

Hedge Funds

When people outside the financial world hear the words “hedge fund” many are immediately taken back to the 1987 classic movie ‘Wall Street’ and Gordon Gekko, or Bobby Axelrod in the HBO series ‘Billion’ including big money, fast cars and a winner takes all mentality. A hedge fund is an alternative investment vehicle available only […]

Managed Funds

There are many types of ‘funds’ that exist within Australia; however, unless you are positioned within the financial services industry, or you are a wholesale client by definition of the Corporations Act 2001, chapter 7 (for example, at the time this book was written, you had an annual salary exceeding $250,000 in two consecutive years […]