Walker Capital

As the world heads into 2022, there is never a better time to see a financial planner. As many new years resolutions of you and the people around you have something to do with finance, why not do something constructive and real about it – not simply hollow words that work out as much as your new gym membership!

Finding a top financial planner nearby should be at the top of almost everyone’s Christmas list, as financial freedom is the gift that will keep giving – literally.

A Financial Planner is not going to solve all your financial problems, dreams and aspirations in one go, but what they are going to be able to do, is give you a reality check on where you are really at, how much debt you have, how much in assets you have and what a plan looks like to get you from where you are now, to where you want to go.

What are the benefits of a financial planner?

We are often good at plugging the holes as they start letting in water rather than fixing the boat itself. This is not different to a qualified, certified top financial planner.

Starting from the top, alleviate and reduce your debt levels and ensure you have insurance to cover you and your family in case of an accident, loss of job and sadly – but importantly – loss of life.

With these key elements in place, the review of your superannuation and retirement plan, how much do you have not, how much do you need to be comfortable, when do you want to retire? All pertinent questions that need urgent attention, not a couple of years before you retire – but now when you are young enough to make changes.

Then when you have this organised, let’s talk about investing, to create wealth and make your money work while you are sleeping – quite literally. If you have ever wondered how people are doing well and look like they are not stressed, it’s because in many cases, they have a financial planner taking care of their medium- and long-term investments – ensuring they have money available and access to funds when they need it.

And finally, what about some discretionary items? Maybe a boat for summer? Why not do it within a dedicated plan with your planner – don’t just jump on the next bow-rider the salesperson offers a low-interest rate to you on.

Top Financial Planners can make a lifetime of difference.

As you can see, your financial planner is not simply there to sell you products, they are there to design you a roadmap for long term stability while also providing the fulfilment of your short-term ambitions.

Remember, not everything is realistic, and your top financial planner will tell you as much – but there is only one way to realise this – that is by visiting a top financial planner near you today!

Speak to a Walker Capital Financial Planner today about how to map your financial future and start enjoying your money sooner.